8/29 ReadRise Newsletter

August 29, 2024

Painting the town READ

Fort Worth residents read over 4.5 million minutes during the 2024 Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge, with 8,608 participants logging their reading time, and more than 2,300 completing the challenge.

The challenge, held from June 1 to August 10, showcased Fort Worth’s commitment to reading, with Mayor Mattie Parker encouraging residents to keep the momentum going and continue learning through reading year-round.

Even after the challenge, Fort Worth Public Library offers ongoing programs like story times, 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, and various book clubs, helping both children and adults maintain their reading habits and literacy skills.

National reading scores decline year by year

The 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) revealed a significant decline in average reading scores for both fourth and eighth graders, with scores dropping 3 points compared to 2019.

The 2022 reading scores for fourth graders were lower than all previous assessment years since 2005, and for eighth graders, they were lower than scores dating back to 1998. Both grades’ scores were not significantly different from 1992 levels, indicating little long-term progress.

The decline in reading scores was observed across most states and jurisdictions, reflecting the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ academic performance nationwide.



Now is the time to take a stand for your child’s education. Make sure they’re reading at grade level—if they’re not, it’s crucial to give them the support they need to catch up. Every child deserves to succeed. Visit atgradelevel.org to access essential resources and start this school year strong!

Every child deserves to understand and enjoy reading. Get started at http://atgradelevel.org/resources